Entiendo por qué te mesabas los cabellos y te desesperabas, mostrandome esos recibos que nunca entendí. - ?Nos va a cargar el diablo! - Me dijiste. Y te di una palmadita y te llevé al lecho, donde nos acariciamos haciendo de cuenta que ...
(Story from bMesabi/b Daily News via legislative correspondent Jon Collins). The move to a pre-Labor Day school start would reduce tourism traffic in economically depressed areas that depend on those extra days of income in the summers. b.../b Summer bvacation/b is a time to develop those other areas. Kids can be free, play, explore & create. It's a special time for families to bvacation/b, or hang out at the lake or go on a picnic. Keeping the opening of school post Labor Day is b.../b